West Shore Wellness

Dr. Nigel Coulter (D.C.)

Growing up around chiropractic and being a patient of Dr. Correlje’s from a young age Dr. Coulter has benefited from chiropractic as well as how chiropractic has had a positive affect on those close to him.

Dr. Coulter, following in Dr. Correlje’s footsteps graduated from Palmer chiropractic college in Iowa in 2005.

Dr. Coulter can be found at the clinic adjusting patients or tinkering behind the wheel of his latest project.

Dr. Nigel's Fee Schedule

  • Intake appointment, $95
  • Follow up visit, $65
  • Special family rates available

Treatment Hours

  • Monday: Off
  • Tuesday: 9:30-11:30 / 2:00-6:30
  • Wednesday: 9:30-11:30 / 2:00-6:00
  • Thursday: 2:00-6:30
  • Friday: Off
  • Saturday: 9:30-1:00
  • Sunday: 9:30-1:00

Feel The Body Adjustment From Head to the Toe

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